The ABC of recruitment - Copenhagen- Part 3

THE ABC OF RECRUITMENT – PART 3 - Candidate Centric

It should go without saying; treating candidates with respect in a hiring process is as important as securing the best candidate for the position. Yet not everyone understands how important it is to be respectful towards all candidates.

Think about it:

You have 10 candidates in a process that have been properly wowed by the process and the people. What a great group of representatives that will speak highly of your company within their network……..


You have 10 candidates in a process that have not been impressed by the process and the people. This means you have 10 people that will speak negatively of your company within their network……

Yes, candidates can be a great missionary for your company. Even those who don’t get the job. Make sure you take advantage of this.

A Headhunter once told me something like “Erik, you cannot make all candidates happy. Those who do not make it through and who do not get the job will never be happy” This is as far from the truth as it can be. Every candidate can leave a hiring process with a positive impression of you and your company. It simply comes down to a few important principles:

  1. Respect their time.

  2. Be informative.

  3. Respect the fact that they need to be “smitten” by you as much as the other way around.

  4. Show them that you care and that you are genuinely interested.

  5. Make the interview more of a meeting then an old-style hard-core interview. It should be a flowing conversation.

  6. Keep the candidates up to speed on the process and progress.

  7. Provide candidates with an individual rejection and give them some good and relevant feedback.

If you find this article series interesting, we will welcome the opportunity to discuss this and recruitment with you in more detail. Always great to learn more about companies and how they recruit, and perhaps we could tell you a bit about AvantGarde Search and how we aim to the disruptive force within recruitment.  We will happily come to your offices, or you are more than welcome to our offices at Matrikel1 in Central Copenhagen.

We can be reached on: / +45 28 26 80 35 or / +45 28 26 80 34

We are also hosting a breakfast seminar this spring in Copenhagen about Recruitment, the A, the B & The C. Please feel free to contact for more info.


The ABC of recruitment - Copenhagen- Part 2